SQR-034: EFD Operations

  • Angelo Fausti

Latest Revision: 2020-11-13

1   TL;DR

Quick access to the EFD deployments.

Instance Chronograf EFD Client
Summit EFD https://chronograf-summit-efd.lsst.codes summit_efd
NTS EFD https://lsst-chronograf-nts-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu ncsa_teststand_efd
LDF EFD https://lsst-chronograf-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu ldf_stable_efd
Base EFD https://chronograf-base-efd.lsst.codes base_efd


If you need help, please drop a line on the #com-square-support LSSTC Slack channel.

2   EFD deployments

In this section we describe the EFD instances, their use, and how to connect to them.

The main entry points are Chronograf or the EFD client from where users can query the EFD.

Other services available include the InfluxDB HTTP API, Schema Registry, Kafka brokers, and the Kafdrop UI.

2.1   Summit EFD

Instance running at the Summit (Chile). The Summit EFD data is also replicated to the LDF EFD for project wide access (see 2.3   LDF EFD).

Intended audience: Commissioning and Science Verification teams.

  • Chronograf: https://chronograf-summit-efd.lsst.codes
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://influxdb-summit-efd.lsst.codes
  • Schema Registry: https://schema-registry-summit-efd.lsst.codes
  • Kafka Broker: kafka-0-summit-efd.lsst.codes:31090
  • Kafdrop UI: https://kafdrop-summit-efd.lsst.codes


When deploying the SAL Kafka producers on Kubernetes use the internal address for the Kafka broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092.

2.2   NTS EFD

Standalone instance running at the NCSA TestStand.

Intended audience: Telescope and Site team

  • Chronograf: https://lsst-chronograf-nts-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://lsst-influxdb-nts-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Schema Registry: https://lsst-schema-registry-nts-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092
  • Kafdrop UI: https://lsst-kafka-0-nts-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu

2.3   LDF EFD

Instance running at NCSA (stable cluster). It has a replica of the Summit EFD data.

Intended audience: Everyone in the project.

  • Chronograf: https://lsst-chronograf-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://lsst-influxdb-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Confluent Schema Registry: https://lsst-schema-registry-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092

2.4   LDF EFD on int

Instance running at NCSA (int cluster) for development and integration tests.

Intended audience: SQuaRE team.

  • Chronograf: https://lsst-chronograf-int-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://lsst-influxdb-int-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Confluent Schema Registry: https://lsst-schema-registry-int-efd.ncsa.illinois.edu
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092

2.5   Base EFD

Standalone instance running at the Base facility (Chile) (Kueyen cluster).

Intended audience: Commissioning and Science Verification teams.

  • Chronograf: https://chronograf-base-efd.lsst.codes
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://influxdb-base-efd.lsst.codes
  • Confluent Schema Registry: https://schema-registry-base-efd.lsst.codes
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092
  • Kafdrop UI: https://kafdrop-base-efd.lsst.codes

2.6   Tucson TestStand EFD

Standalone instance running at the Tucson TestStand. Not being used at the moment.

Intended audience: Telescope and Site team.

  • Chronograf: https://chronograf-tucson-teststand-efd.lsst.codes
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://influxdb-tucson-teststand-efd.lsst.codes
  • Confluent Schema Registry: https://schema-registry-tucson-teststand-efd.lsst.codes
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092

2.7   Sandbox EFD

Standalone instance running at Google Cloud Platform for development.

Intended audience: Anyone who needs an EFD environment for development and testing. For example, this instance has been used by the T&S team to test SAL Kafka producer deployments.

  • Chronograf: https://chronograf-sandbox-efd.lsst.codes
  • InfluxDB HTTP API: https://influxdb-sandbox-efd.lsst.codes
  • Confluent Schema Registry: https://schema-registry-sandbox-efd.lsst.codes
  • Kafka Broker: cp-helm-charts-cp-kafka-headless.cp-helm-charts:9092
  • Kafdrop UI: https://kafdrop-sandbox-efd.lsst.codes

3   Introduction

In DMTN-082 [4], we present the high level architecture to enable real-time analysis of the Engineering and Facilities Database (EFD) data from the Rubin Science Platform (RSP).

In SQR-029 [1], we describe a prototype implementation of the EFD based on Kafka and InfluxDB. We also report results of live tests with the Service Abstraction Layer (SAL) including latency characterization and performance evaluation with high-frequency telemetry.

In this technote, we describe the EFD operation with an instance at the Summit, to store the data and to enable real-time analysis during observations, and an instance at the LSST Data Facility (LDF) to replicate Summit EFD data.

The LDF EFD is meant to be a centralized place where Rubin Observatory staff can connect and perform their analysis without interfering with the Summit EFD which is meant to be used by the observers.

The current architecture based on Kafka and InfluxDB.


Figure 1 EFD components for the Summit or TestStand instance.

A TestStand deployment has the same components of the Summit deployment: Kafka, InfluxDB, InfluxDB Sink connector, Chronograf and Kapacitor. SAL Kafka producers are managed by the T&S team.

For the LDF EFD, we have in addition the MirrorMaker 2 connectors for the EFD replication service, the Aggregator, and other connectors to write data to Parquet files and to the Consolidated Database (PostgreSQL).


Figure 2 LDF EFD components.

In the following sections we describe the new components added to the EFD architecture, we discuss data replication, retention policies, and options for long-term storage of the EFD data.

4   SAL Kafka producer

The SAL Kafka producers forward DDS messages from one or more SAL components to Kafka. For each DDS topic, SAL Kafka introspects the OpenSplice IDL, creates the Avro schema and uploads it to the Kafka Schema Registry dynamically. The Kafka brokers store the Avro messages, and consumers use the Avro schemas to deserialize them.

SAL Kafka was an important addition to the EFD architecture, it decouples the EFD from the SAL XML schemas and introduces Avro as the interface between the DDS middleware and the EFD.

5   Kafka Connect manager

Another addition to the EFD architecture is the Kafka Connect manager. The Kafka Connect manager is the component responsible for managing the Kafka Connect REST interface. It is used to deploy the different connectors to the EFD. For connectors that are not dynamic like the InfluxDB Sink and the JDBc Sink connectors, the Kafka Connect manager can automatically update the connector configuration when new topics are created in Kafka.

6   The EFD replication service

SQR-050 [2] describes the EFD replication service. MirrorMaker 2 is the component responsible for that. In the EFD setup, the MirrorMaker 2 connectors run on the LDF EFD and pull Kafka records and topic configuration from the Summit EFD.

New topics and schemas at the Summit EFD are automatically detected and replicated to the LDF EFD. As throughput increases, we can add more partitions to the Kafka topics and the connector, running on the Kafka Connect Framework, can scale up to accommodate the increased load. Replicating topics and schemas across the two sites also protects the EFD against data loss.

Chronograf dashboards and Kapacitor alert rules are not yet part of the replication service.

Consumers at the Summit only read data from the Summit and consumers at the LDF only read data from the LDF, with the exception of the Mirror Maker 2 mirror source connector. Within the Kafka cluster, we have fault tolerance by replicating the Kafka topics across three brokers (default set up).

If the InfluxDB instance at the Summit falls over, the InfluxDB instance at the LDF can still be used to access the replicated data. However, there is no automatic mechanism to connect to the LDF EFD.

Data replication enables unrestricted access to EFD data from the LDF. It also provides long-term storage and a live backup of the Summit EFD data.

7   Downsampling and data retention

The EFD writes thousands of topics on a wide range of frequencies. Querying the EFD raw data on large time windows can be resource intensive.

A natural solution is to downsample the raw data and store one or two versions of lower resolution data for extended periods. In InfluxDB, it is possible to configure multiple retention policies. For instance, at the Summit we can have one month of raw data, three months of intermediate resolution data, and perhaps one year of low resolution data. When the retention policy is enforced, data older than the retention period is automatically deleted. The result is a moving window on the most recent data.

Downsampling is efficiently done inside InfluxDB using Flux tasks that can be scheduled during daytime if necessary to not interfere with the observations. These extra retention policies are not replicated to the LDF EFD but similar retention policies can be configured there as well to query the data efficiently over extended periods.

Real-time analysis of the EFD data could potentially include statistical models for anomaly detection and forecasting. For example, InfluxDB implements a built-in multiplicative Holt-Winters function to generate predictions on time series data.

At the Summit, if we store one month of raw data, that’s roughly 0.8% of the data collected over the 10-year survey. Whether that’s sufficient to build a statistical model or not it depends on the long term trends and seasonality of the time-series we are analyzing. An interesting possibility of the EFD architecture is to build the statistical models from historical data at LDF and apply these models to the Summit.

8   The EFD transformation service

As proposed in DMTN-082 [4], RSP users are expected to generally access telemetry data at a frequency closer to the cadence of the observations. It proposes that “all telemetry topics sampled with a frequency higher than 1Hz are (1) downsampled at 1Hz and (2) aggregated to 1Hz using min, max, mean, median stdev statistics”. Commands and event topics should not be aggregated as they are typically low-frequency and can be read directly from the raw EFD data sources.

SQR-058 [3] describes the EFD transformation service. It uses the Aggregator to produce a new set of aggregated telemetry topics in Kafka that can be consumed by the different connectors and stored in different formats (Parquet, InfluxDB and PostgreSQL).


Figure 3 Kafka Aggregator based on the Faust stream processing library.

The Kafka Aggregator is implemented in Faust, a Python stream processing library. Faust supports Avro serialization and multiple instances of a Faust worker can be started independently to distribute stream processing across nodes or CPU cores.

9   Options for long-term storage

In the RSP we can access EFD data from InfluxDB directly using the EFD client or from data stored in Parquet files. Parquet is compatible with Dask, a library used to scale computations across multiple worker nodes. The Confluent Amazon S3 Sink connector supports Parquet on S3. From the connector configuration, it is possible to partition data based on time. We might want to store both the raw EFD data and the aggregated EFD data in Parquet files. This would serve as a live backup of the full raw EFD data.

We plan on storing the aggregated EFD data in the LDF consolidated database, which is convenient to make joins with the exposure table as discussed in session 8   The EFD transformation service. The Kafka Connect JDBC connector supports connections to several RDBMS implementations.

We can store the raw data for more extended periods at the LDF than in the Summit. We plan on tuning multiple retention policies in InfluxDB and store lower resolution versions of the data at the LDF and at the Summit, as discussed in session 7   Downsampling and data retention.

10   Monitoring

For monitoring the Kafka cluster, we use the Kafdrop UI and also monitor JMX metrics exposed by the Confluent Platform. JMX is a common technology in Java to export application metrics. Confluent Kafka components use JMX APIs to collect application and JVM metrics and expose them over HTTP in a format that Prometheus understands and can scrape. We then use the Telegraf input Prometheus plugin to write these metrics to InfluxDB and create a Kafka monitoring dashboard in Chronograf.

For monitoring InfluxDB itself, we collect system and InfluxDB metrics using Telegraf and create alert rules with Kapacitor.

We plan on ingesting the EFD logs into the logging infrastructure at the Summit and IDF too.

11   References

[1][SQR-029]. Frossie Economou. DM-EFD prototype implementation. 2019. URL: https://sqr-029.lsst.io
[2][SQR-050]. Angelo Fausti. The EFD replication service. 2021. URL: https://sqr-050.lsst.io
[3][SQR-058]. Angelo Fausti. The EFD transformation service. 2021. URL: https://sqr-058.lsst.io
[4](1, 2) [DMTN-082]. Simon Krughoff. On accessing EFD data in the Science Platform. 2018. URL: https://dmtn-082.lsst.io